Application to be a youth basketball referee

After witnessing what had to have been the worst ref in the entire history of youth sports officiate my son’s 5th grade game today, I have to wonder what the job application looks like for someone to become a ref. Side note: if I am ever arrested, it is definitely going to be for assaulting a ref at one of my kids’ games.

I happened to get my hands on the job application and I thought I’d share it with you, so you can see the screening process is quite thorough.


  1. State your name
  2. Did you just say “your name” out loud? a) I said my actual name b) no c)yes
  3. Do you currently have a pulse? a) yes b) no c) how do I check?
  4. Do you wear glasses/contacts? a) yes b) no c) I am legally blind
  5. What is your level of education? a) high school grad/GED b) college c) raised in a barn
  6. What color is a basketball?
  7. Identify the basketball in the following photos:


8. Do you know how to blow a whistle?



Seriously, that is it! That’s all you need to do to apply to be a ref for youth basketball. Makes sense now, huh?

2 thoughts on “Application to be a youth basketball referee

  1. Brace yourself: my next door neighbor is a 6’1″, 230 pound rageaholic who bullies adults, yells at his wife and kids, and responded to Sandy Hook by purchasing three firearms and placing them around the house. He coaches youth football. Because Murica.


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